Sell your watch

With Yourasset, you can sell your watch directly to one of our verified merchant partners or to a verified private buyer. You get the highest price for your watch. It's efficient, secure and fast.

The process is very simple

Are you considering to sell your Rolex, Audemars Piguet, Patek Philippe, Cartier or Omega watch?

The sales process with Yourasset:

  • Provide details of your watch via our enquiry form
  • Data about your watch are shared with our partners
  • Data about your watch are published on our verified marketplace
  • You receive the highest purchase quote, or an offer for your suggested price
  • You decide to accept the offer
  • You receive the money

The Yourasset sales process ensures that you get the highest price for your watch.
Your personal information will only be passed on to the buyer once both parties have agreed to the transaction. The advantage for you is that you do not have to contact your friends or various dealers directly. We will do it for you, discreetly and efficiently.

Initially, we will support the sale of watches with an estimated selling price above CHF 5'000.

Sell my Watch

Start the sales process for your watch. Efficient, secure and fast. Initially, we support the sale of watches with an estimated selling price above CHF 5'000.

Submit your watch details

Your advantages of selling through Yourasset

Security. All buyers are verified by us

Speed. Purchase offers from our merchant partners

Privacy. Your contact details will not be published

Time saving. Avoid the hassle of searching for buyers

Highest price for your watch. Buyers can purchase with financing

Professional. Sell through an established platform

Frequently asked questions - FAQ

What are the fees for selling a watch through Yourasset?

  • Sellers pay a fee of 5% of the sale price to Yourasset.

How do I get the money?

  • You will receive the sale price either directly from our merchant partner or from the verified private buyer.
  • Sales to private individuals can also be processed through one of our merchant partners.

Can I still sell my watch myself?

  • Yes, if you find a buyer yourself. Please inform us about it.
  • You can also mention to your network that Yourasset offers the option to pay monthly with financing.